
Guillermo de ockham
Guillermo de ockham

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For this reason, later who were well enough educated in these matters showed those who were preoccupied the easy way to by writing various works. This document may be copied and circulated freely, provided only that this notice of copyright is included with all copies.ģ without spending a great deal of time. Before his work, he says, nothing had been written on the topic.5 Aristotle, 4 Augustine,Ĭopyright 1995 by Paul Vincent Spade. 8 At Sophistic Refutations 34, 183b3436, Aristotle in effect claims to have invented logic. This could also mean ignorant of the strength of their own voice, but that seems less likely here. 7 ignorant speech = vim propriae vocis ignorantes. (6) And so, moved by a consideration of the abovementioned usefulness that logic serves, the distinguished Peripatetic philosopher Aristotle ingeniously put it together.8 because of the obscurity of the Greek language translated into Latin, one could scarcely follow De doctrina christiana II, 31 n.

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(5) For we see many who, neglecting this science wishing to devote themselves to learning, wander about all over the place scattering various errors around in teaching, making up opinions full of absurdity with no restraint or order, weaving and putting together scarcely intelligible statements, suffering from something like the dreams of sluggards and the fictions of poets, ignorant of the meaning of their own speech.7 They are all the more dangerously in error the more they regard themselves as wise in comparison with others, recklessly hurling falsehoods indiscriminately in place of truths at the ears of their listeners. For just as, if physical light were blocked out, human actions would be either halted or else random and often to the detriment of the doer, so acts of human reason without skill in this faculty. In fact, when compared to light, it is found to be prior.

guillermo de ockham

For just as chains bind the limbs of the body and prevent the tasks for which they were designed, so false and sophistical arguments tie up the mind, as Aristotle teaches.6 (4) Likewise, this art uncovers the darkness of errors and directs the acts of human reason like a kind of light. It frees the mind too from the chains by which (alas) it was constrained, and restores it to liberty.

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(3) This alone provides the ability to argue about every problem and teaches how to resolve every kind of sophism and to find the middle of a demonstration. This document may be copied and circulated freely, provided only that this notice of copyright is included with all copies.Ģ all doubts, dissolves and penetrates all the difficulties of Scripture, as the distinguished teacher Augustine bears witness.4 (2) For since the actions of a wise toward another are two, not to lie about what he knows, and to be able to show up a liar, as is written in the Sophistic Refutations,5 but this cannot come about without distinguishing the true from the false, which only this method does, it is quite apparent that it is a most useful for one who speculates. So those who want to look up these references will have to do some homework. The folio references are not at all the same. There was also a later edition published a few years afterwards, which is much more readily available nowadays, manly because it has been photoreprinted.

guillermo de ockham

The editors used the earlier Latin Juntina edition of Averroes. Bonaventure, NY: The Franciscan Institute, 1974). Note: I am here and throughout following the references given in the critical edition of the Summa logicae, Gedeon Gl and Stephen F. I will follow this convention below.) 3 Averroes, In Arist.

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(This series is conventionally referred to as the Patrologia latina, and cited simply as the PL. 2 Adam is paraphrasing the opening lines of Boethius De divisione, which say the same thing about the science of dividing. Is, Adam Wodeham, a contemporary of Ockham and possibly for a while his personal secretary.

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Averroes too, the interpreter of Aristotle, says in his Physics3 that dialectic is the tool for distinguishing between the true and the false. By these he indicates that the entryway to wisdom is accessible to no one not educated in logic. 2 Hence Aristotle, the main originator of this science, calls now an introductory method, now a way of knowing, now a science common to all and the way to truth. 7, 29, 32.ġ0 (1) The authority of many experts teaches what great fruits the science of language that we call logic brings forth for the followers of truth, while reason and experience clearly confirm and prove. William of Ockham, From His Summa of Logic, Part I: ADAM (OF WODEHAM S) PROLOGUE, OCKHAM S PREFATORY LETTER AND CHS.

Guillermo de ockham